Community Engagement

Community Engagement courses enable students to earn CSU transferrable units for volunteering in the community.  Other benefits include:  improved communication, leadership, and teamwork skills, potential to identify future job/career, great for college applications, ability to learn more about yourself, resume builder, GPA booster, and providing a rewarding experience for giving back to the community.

Students may volunteer at a variety of placements including animal care facilities, clinics, day care centers, hospitals, recreation programs, senior centers, schools, and other various non-profit organizations.  SRJC Note takers and students needing to shadow in a designated field of study may also participate in these courses.  

If a student is interested in enrolling in a Community Engagement course, they must first meet with the Community Engagement Coordinator in the Work Experience Department.  The coordinator will assist the student in selecting a volunteer site (if needed), review course expectations and provide an add code for enrollment. Please call to schedule an appointment with the Community Engagement Coordinator.

Santa Rosa Campus
Bertolini Student Center, 
3rd floor, Room 4842
(707) 527-4329
Business Hours: M-Th 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am to noon
*Closed Fridays during summer semester

Petaluma Campus
Student Center, Building 500 (by appointment only)
(707) 527-4329